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WS01 - People and places

Humanities and Social Sciences, HASS F–6, Year 3

By the end of Year 3, students describe the causes, effects and contributions of people to change. They identify the significance of events, symbols and emblems to Australia’s identity and diversity. They describe the representation of places within and near Australia. They identify the similarities, differences and connections of people to places across those scales. Students describe the importance of rules and people’s contributions to communities. 


Students develop questions and locate, collect and record information and data from different sources. They interpret information and data in different formats. They analyse information and data to identify perspectives and they draw conclusions. They propose actions or responses. Students use ideas from sources, and subject-specific terms to present descriptions and explanations. 

Knowledge and understanding | Geography


the ways First Nations Australians in different parts of Australia are interconnected with Country/Place

Knowledge and understanding | Geography


the similarities and differences between places in Australia and neighbouring countries in terms of their natural, managed and constructed features

Skills | Questioning and researching


locate, collect and record information and data from a range of sources, including annotated timelines and maps

Skills | Interpreting, analysing and evaluating


interpret information and data displayed in different formats

Skills | Communicating


present descriptions and explanations, using ideas from sources and relevant subject-specific terms



1. Creates a Venn diagram to present visible features of places, and connections between people and places. 


2. Categorises similarities and differences in features of local places. 


3. Categorises similarities and differences in how people connect to local places. 

4. Uses examples to describe connections between people and places at the local scale. 


5. Creates a simple map to indicate the features of a place. 


6. Identifies the built features (roads, housing) and managed features (parks, gardens) of a local place. 

7. Classifies and labels on a photograph the built features, such as roads and housing, and managed features like parks and gardens, of a local place. 


8. Interprets a photograph to identify, locate and describe features of a place. 


9. Uses relevant terms, such as residential and industrial, to present key ideas. 


10. Selects ideas from sources to support a description.